let’s enjoy one-day trips to Togakushi Ski Area from S.A. Inn Hotels!!

Togakushi Ski Area

There are 19 courses that are full of variations, and Togakushi mountain range to see from the mountaintop is a superb view as I accept breath. I can do a valuable experience to be possible in snow with the tools such as snow shoes only in Togakushi such as hiking and the dorter experience. The restaurant called Alpen DiningYANAGIRAN in the sixth Quad lift platform side is a slope meal champion of 2017.2018 years, and the Western food such as raclette and the truffle dish is popular.

3682-3 Togakushi,Nagano,Nagano Prefecture 381-4101
Tel. 026-254-2106

details : https://snow.gurunavi.com/guide/htm/r0034ens.htm

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